Drop Off/Pick Up
Arrival to School
Doors open for students at 7:15 a.m. Parents should not leave students at school before that time.
Students will be supervised in one of the morning waiting areas. Students are expected to study, read, or complete assignments quietly during this time.
Dismissal Method
No student will be allowed to go home a different way from his regular travel unless permission is requested by a parent/guardian in writing. Due to concerns regarding student safety, HGSE personnel prefer not to accept messages over the telephone requesting that the child’s mode of transportation to go home be changed. Any parent asking to change a student’s bus route (for the day) must obtain permission from the transportation office. (See policy for Guest Riders on School Buses.)
The normal mode of transportation can be altered under the following conditions:
Dismissal Times
Parents who come for their children should pick them up promptly at dismissal time. The dismissal schedule is as follows:
2:13 p.m. Bus riders are dismissed at the side of the building in the bus parking lot
2:15 p.m. Car riders are dismissed to the car rider line
2:30 p.m. Remaining students are brought to the office to wait for ride
*Parents are asked to come only at the scheduled times.
*If students are left at school after 3:15 PM without contact from the parent/guardian, the local Sheriff’s Office will be contacted for assistance.
Early Dismissal
Students are expected to remain in their class until the end of the instructional day (2:13 p.m.) For the safety of all students, no student will be dismissed early without a parent or legal guardian coming to the Main Office to sign the student out. We will not dismiss a child after 1:45pm. Children dismissed after 1:45 will not be called to the office until 2:15. You will be required to provide identification to school authorities.
Should there be a need for someone other than a parent or legal guardian to pick up a student early, the office will verify that the person is listed on the student’s enrollment form.
The school asks that you keep early dismissals to a minimum. Any and all early dismissals or tardies may appear on the student’s school attendance records.
Car Riders
School personnel will accompany students being transported by car to the parent pick-up line at the various dismissal areas of the school. Please follow the signs for parent pick up. Because of the number of students being transported by personal vehicles, as well as safety concerns, parents are required to wait in the parent pickup line to pick up children. Parents must remain in line in their vehicle.
- The child comes to school with a signed and dated note from the parent. The note would be given to the classroom teacher, who would then forward it to the office.
- The parent personally comes into the school office and makes the request. The parent will also be asked to put the request in writing.
- A parent calls the office prior to 1:45 and request the child’s mode of transportation be changed.
- Parents are asked to wait at the office for their child once dismissal arrangements have been made.
- Only the names appearing on the student’s emergency form will be allowed access to the student.
- If for whatever reason your contacts change, it is your responsibility to alert the office immediately.